Saturday, November 29, 2008

Our visit to St. Vlad's...reflections.

Lee and I on the train, heading into 'the City'.

In early November, Kate and I, along with my brother Lee and Sis-in-law Amy, visited St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary.  We did this in order to decide whether or not we had a future at St. Vlad's.  

I can't speak for Lee, but as for me...well, I am already packing.  It was overwhelming.  It was a very full experience participating in the services, talking to seminarians who are literally in 'the crucible', going to classes, talking to members of the administration.  Everyone that we talked to was kind and helpful and (most important) honest.  Honest about life at St. Vlad's, honest about the pro's and con's of the seminary, honest regarding contemplation of the priesthood.  We were given much food for thought and left with a feeling of satisfaction and (more honesty) a little fear.  Hopefully it is a healthy fear.

Our concerns at this stage revolve around a.) the practical issue of how we will survive (i.e. where is the money going to come from to pay the bills?), and b.) where will our kids get an education?  We are trying to give these fears over to God in prayer and faith, but it is hard to keep focused on the real Christ walking on the waters when the waves that surround you seem so powerful, the storm so terrible.

Some highlights from our trip:

•We stayed at a beautiful Marriott hotel in White Plains
•We were able to participate in all of the regular services (matins, vespers, Divine Liturgy, and a beautiful vigil on Saturday night)
•We ate at some wacky places (Mont Olympus, a Jewish deli, an excellent hole-in-the-wall pizza joint on Madison Ave.)
•NYC...we took the train into the city Sunday night.  It was shockingly beautiful.  I am much more inclined toward quiet, small towns, mountains, lakes and so forth.  But the City was beautiful in it's pre-winter garb
•Lee and I got to attend Paul Meyendorff's "Liturgical Theology" class, where he was breaking down some distinctions between the Anaphora Prayer in Chrysostom's and Basil's liturgies.  Amazing, wonderful stuff.
•Dinner with Andrew and Erika and their kids on Monday night, dessert with Daniel and Marcie on Saturday night.... Both couples gave us some excellent insight into seminary life.  Will we have faith?  Will we try to trust in our own understanding?

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