Monday, February 09, 2009

Wooden Chalice; or How I Spent Monday Morning

Actually, the title should read, "How I spent my break times on Monday morning", just in case anyone was confused. I managed to do a little experimental wood turning while setting up our lathe for another set of turnings for work. I am trying to learn how to turn a wooden communion chalice.

The goal is to teach myself how to make highly detailed (small beads, coves, cutaways, etc.) turnings that are super smooth once they've been sanded. The biggest problem with making a chalice (as it would seem) is making a large enough hole in the top to receive a metal cup.

This particular sample was made out of rough alder, glued up into a block. It was quite a nice material to work in, as it turns out.

In the background is a liturgical fan (ripidia) prototype that I am working on, and also a dome that didn't make the muster, for obvious reasons.

This week's reading list: Living Tradition by Fr J Meyendorff, The Mystery of Christ by Fr J Behr

Listening to: selected recordings from 2009 Schmemann Symposium (Sr Vassa's presentation was very interesting, not to mention Fagerberg's and Fr Taft's)

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